
Polish-Jewish Studies (ENG)

„Polish-Jewish Studies”, volume 3/2022

  • „Polish-Jewish Studies”, volume 3/2022
    „Polish-Jewish Studies”, volume 3/2022

„Polish-Jewish Studies”, volume 3/2022

This bilingual (Polish-English) annual journal is dedicated to the history of the Jewish community in 20th-century Poland, preserving the memory of Polish Jews and presenting the complexity of Polish-Jewish relations. As intended by the editors, the periodical serves as a forum for the exchange of current findings in the field of Jewish studies by researchers from various academic centres.

The third issue of Polish-Jewish Studies focuses primarily on Polish-Jewish relations under the German occupation during World War II. German anti-Jewish policy, the Holocaust and the consequences thereof are issues that continue to absorb many researchers worldwide. As always, Polish-Jewish Studies contains reviews of important publications related to Polish-Jewish issues.

The third volume of the periodical is available below, as well as in an electronic version in the Library.

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